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To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it; I believe it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gold Star!

So far, so good with the Virtual Academy/Home Schooling. My son seems excited about learning. We had our first parent-teacher-student conference yesterday. We used the Elluminate (e-classroom) tool and he loved it. I don't know why he was so thrilled to be able to talk to and listen to his teacher on the computer, but he was. It is just like chatting with a mic and web cam. I can't believe he is so interested in this type of learning format, but he is. His Algebra really needs work (he did not learn much at all last year), so the teacher pointed out some tools that should help get his aptitude up to where it should be. I am just very happy with the curriculum and format so far. We will see how the assessment goes.

I have pulled together a lot of additional research for my dissertation if I could just get finished with this other proposal I'm working on for a client, then I could start writing my chapters! I swear, sometimes my competing career and education interest give me a double migraine. And let's not even start about work. Thank God for a job though. Thank God for a job!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Well we are up and running with K12! All the materials came earlier this week and we got signed on last Friday. My son is really having a good time with this format so far, and aside from the frequent calls at work (I've got to get him to call only one time every other hour to tell me about something new he's done), I like it a lot!

So, we start week three (officially week 2, since we just got everything set up last week) this Monday, and then we will by in a rhythm. A field trip to Charlottesville has already been scheduled too. I can't wait. My son is excited about learning again. I have the ENTIRE 8th grade curriculum at my finger tips. The flexibility and control of this program is AWESOME. So far, so good.

Progress report on the Ph.D: slow and steady wins the race!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 2!

Well, today I had to re-submit all of my paper work to K-12 for th Virtual Academy enrollment. VERY FRUSTRATING. I am glad I am a persistent parent! On the upside, my son is working his way through the entire Algebra SOL review, and this is his hardest subject but he seems to be doing just fine. Also, he is really getting into the laptop and software. I think I will start looking for some gaming programs (intro level) for him to work on. Here's hoping I have the online curriculum set up and ready to go by next Monday....

BTW, our President gave a kick-a** address to congress this evening and my son watched the entire thing with me. I find it hard to believe that he is so into politics, but I guess it is because me and my brother (and everyone that comes over to the house) is so into it. Anyway, what a great government/history/economics lesson supplement that was!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

School Daze

Well, today was the first day of 8th grade, and it went very well at the Virtual Academy! My son was very inspired by our President's address to students across the country. He told me that he watched it live, then watched it again on C-Span just so he could catch some of the parts that he missed. He was very impressed that Mr. Obama had to get up at 4:30am to keep on schedule with his US education while he was living in Indonesia with his mom. Thank God for a president who understands the difficulties that some students face in their educational pursuits, and who feels the responsibility to encourage and motivate them to do their best, despite the obstacles!!! May the Lord continue to bless our president and his family, and may the doubters, haters, and naysayers go the way of the dry leaves in the fall...
I am feeling quite positive about the online game plan for this year, so stay tuned for regular updates.
BTW, the Ph.D. is coming along nicely. I have a meeting with my dissertation committee chair tomorrow. It is still looking like May 2010 but I have WORK to do. I need to listen to our President's speech again too...every student needs a little motivation!