The photo is Porter Library - normally the scene of learning and exploration. Last month it was more like a scene from the movie Higher Learning. I am sad, but not surprised, to note that yet another young black male (Mr. Reginald Latson) was profiled as a possible criminal, and as a result, is now dealing with life-altering events courtesy of the justice (just-us?) system. Read here for more information. As I noted on one of my Facebook status updates, the details in the case are conflicting, but what seems clear are the facts that Mr. Latson was NOT armed with ANY weapon, and he is in an AUTISTIC individual who should not be held in a jail/prison general population due to his mental condition. My opinion at this point is that the individual who phoned in this tip, "there is a suspicious black male walking around and he could be carrying a gun" should be held accountable. This call resulted in eight area schools being put on lock-down, a police 'manhunt', and an innocent individual's life being turned upside down. WHEN will people stop assuming that all young Black men are suspicious??? For the love of peace, can we please turn off the stereotypes!!!
I will track this story till its conclusion, and find a way, some way, to help.
Peace, Najmah.
Please visit http://avoiceforneli.com and read the information his mother has posted. If you are able, please make a donation to his legal fund. Public defenders have the talents, but something tells me this young man faces an up hill battle that would be best fought by a paid professional, with a significant helping of prayers of the righteous.
The young man's mother (Lisa) is scheduled to host a press conference today with other representatives, in Stafford County. Sending my prayers of support!
The young man is still in jail, according to his mom's Facebook page. My inquiries to Senator Jim Webb's office received a textbook response. I did receive a call from Congressman Randy Forbes' office, saying they could not locate the information. I plan to send additional details to them. Please keep your prayers in and up for all of our young men!
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