"Sometimes (and I would say more often times than not) you just need to TELL YOUR OWN STORY. That is the thing I find most encouraging about the world wide web and this 'people-powered-media' movement. It shifts the power of the pen from the hands of a few, to the hands of many. And while I can appreciate comments from folks like Kathy, I am sorry to say that she is in the minority when it comes to telling the real story about the two-and-two Americas - one America on paper, one America in real life; one America for the haves, and one America for the have-nots. It is incumbent upon us all to tell our own story, from our own point of view, with authority and assurance, and without regard for the opinions of those who would (and will) negate our lived-experiences. These folks have been coming to conclusions about us, without us, since the dawn of coming to conclusions. And they will continue to do so. But we can and should share our own conclusions – at the very least there will be something out there to contradict and correct HIStory, and at the most, our stories will change history for the future. TELL YOUR OWN STORY - to your daughters and sons, to your near ones and far ones, and to friends and foes alike. Tell your own story and make them hear you. MAKE THEM HEAR YOU!"
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